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Book Fair Recommendations

Book Fair Recommendations

Our Fall Book Fair is in full swing and we love that our students have access to such incredible books. Thinking that students might discover their next favorite read in our IDEA Lab is one of the most exciting parts of this semi-annual event. We love this excerpt...
October Book Recommendations

October Book Recommendations

It’s time for another month of book recommendations. This list of books from former Summit teacher Ashley Hare is perfect for cuddling up inside as the weather starts to cool down. There are tons of great options for each reading level so there is something for...
September Book Recommendations

September Book Recommendations

Now that we’re getting into the normal routine of school, hopefully our students have settled into a rhythm with their reading. We asked our own school librarian to offer up another round of book recommendations to keep your to read lists fresh with new options....
Back to School Book Recommendations

Back to School Book Recommendations

Since school is back in session, we thought it would be the perfect time to get you a new set of book recommendations to start the new year off right. Plus, these are coming directly from Summit’s own school librarian, so you know these are solid choices for...
Mid Summer Book Recommendations

Mid Summer Book Recommendations

Summit School’s very own Ashley Hare traded her title of 4th grade teacher to that of Admissions Director, but that doesn’t mean she has lost her knack for picking out and recommending books. In fact, she loves reviewing books for middle readers on her...

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