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Our tournament in Iowa has come to a close. After waiting for two years, Wade and Sydney finally got to attend the Create U.S. Open. And our fourth grade team got to attend for the first time. These were against some of the best teams in the US, including incredible teams from California, Texas, and many other states.
Elementary, the team of Camille, Lucy, and Doris had a very successful tournament, placing sixth overall and fifth in individual skills. This was out of 40 teams that participated.
Our middle school team of Wade and Sydney came in 12th overall and 21st in individual skills. Middle school had about 43 teams that participated.
This was an incredible learning experience for all of them. Having to navigate working with teams from all over the country, using those communication and collaboration skills.  Seen all the multitude of designs by others around the country.
We saw some pictures from Mrs. Casey showing a couple of different classes watching in the idea lab. The students here in Iowa thought that was great when I showed them. And they felt the support from Arizona. Occasionally we remembered to wave back at the…/2022/04/

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