The week before Thanksgiving several of our preschool staff attended the NAEYC Annual Conference. Our preschool program has been accredited by NAEYC since 2005 and we are proud to represent an organization that is truly the Gold Standard in early childhood education.

Faculty Lisa Stearns-Hayes and Regina Abraham presented a session on woodworking with children to a standing room only crowd. They were able to share the ways that their woodworking supports growth and development across all content areas, and brings opportunities for exploration, collaboration, and joy to their classroom.

Watching educators from across the country affirm their work was a great reminder of how fortunate Summit is to have teachers like them. Our teachers attended several sessions presented by experts from around the world about classroom environments, mathematics, literacy, science, and emotional intelligence. These professional development opportunities build bonds within our staff and bring the highest quality research and practice to our classrooms. A highlight every year is working as “KODO Roadies” and supporting our longtime friends and innovators at KODO Kids. We love seeing the meaningful and authentic ways they create products that engage and inspire our students. We can’t wait to have them come for a full day STEM experience at Summit in January 2020 with our entire community!

Finally, I want to join Mark in thanking all of you for your support of the Fall Fundraiser. There are still a few more days left, and we’ll announce the winning class and total raised on Tuesday at the Winter Concert. It’s looking more and more like Mark will be hairless by Wednesday!

My very best,


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