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Summit Alum hailed by NASA for winning design

Sep 27, 2016

kyle-corretteFormer Summit Student Kyle Corrette creates a 3-D model featured on NASA’s website, as his design was selected as the teen winner of the “Future Engineers 3-D Printing Star TrekReplicator Challenge.

Kyle’s brainchild was one of 405 submissions from 30 states. His design was selected by a panel of judges from NASA, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Foundation and Made In Space, Inc.

Kyle’s success was also featured in Popular Science

In 2016, Kyle was named as semifinalist for a National Merit Scholarship. Finalist will be selected later this year.

When asked about his experiences at Summit, Kyle shared this: “One of Summit’s strengths is the ability to bring out the best within its students; kids can develop their logic skills in Mrs. Yocum’s science classes, while also cultivating their creativity as part of Chris Dorsey’s band. The school environment is geared towards building a stronger all-around person, so that no matter what discipline a student chooses to pursue, they have the ability to utilize more than one intellectual strength in their endeavors – something which I would say is absolutely necessary to be successful.

The faculty also highlights each student’s individual talents, aiding their self-confidence and personal growth. In the last few weeks, I’ve had the pleasure to meet and converse with astronauts, NASA engineers, leaders of nationwide STEM organizations, highly accomplished people within the media, and the CEO of Makerbot, one of today’s most prominent tech companies. If Summit hadn’t helped me to gain the self-assurance needed to be a competitor within this challenge, I would never have had these amazing experiences. In the future, I plan to continue to progress within the engineering field, and be a part of meaningful projects within the technological world. Everyone has to start somewhere- Summit was an excellent place to begin.”  Kyle attended Summit from Kindergarten through 7th grade

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