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Mr. Kyle Allen named Teacher of the Year by Junior Achievement/BizTown

Oct 26, 2017

Junior Achievement has equipped more than 2 million students to succeed in work and life during the last 60 years.  One of the many ways that they do this is through the JA BizTown program.  Through this program kids are taught about financial literacy, work readiness and entrepreneurship.  Junior Achievement of Arizona works with over 250 schools each year and a lead teacher at each of those schools.  Lead teachers take on the responsibility of ensuring that their colleagues and students are prepared for their visit to the JA BizTown facility.  To this end the lead teacher is assigned an education manager at JA with whom they work closely throughout the program.  At the beginning of each school year the JA BizTown education managers nominate and vote on a teacher of the year from the previous school year.

Summit School is thrilled to announce that Mr. Kyle Allen has been named the 2016-2017 Junior Achievement Biztown Teacher of the Year! Mr. Allen was the unanimous selection of the committee, who considered more than 250 teachers for this prestigious honor.

Codie Cancellieri, Senior Education Manager for Junior Achievement/BizTown, says, “Kyle Allen has done an outstanding job in his role as the JA BizTown Lead Teacher for Summit School. His sincere belief in the mission of Junior Achievement is very apparent and he takes the time and C.A.R.E. to ensure that all of the students at Summit school receive a quality JA program.”

All of us at Summit know that Kyle is an outstanding educator who makes a tremendous impact on our students. It comes as no surprise that Junior Achievement saw Kyle’s gifts just as clearly as we do.

Please join us in congratulating Kyle on this well-deserved recognition!

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