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A Summit School education prepares the next generation of students for success. We love hearing stories about how Summit Alumni are doing since they’ve left the our campus and how they feel that Summit helped them along the way. In this month’s Alumni spotlight, we heard from 22-year-old Krystal who is will be attending Mayo Clinic’s Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program in the fall.

When did you attend Summit School?

I attended Summit School from 3rd-8th grade (6 years).

Tell us about what you did after you left Summit.

After leaving Summit, I attended Desert Vista High School. I then went on to ASU for my bachelor’s in biochemistry and my master’s in biomedical informatics. Throughout this time, I held multiple part-time positions and participated in research through ASU and the Mayo Clinic Scottsdale.

How did Summit School prepare you for your advanced education and current career?

Summit School’s academic programs allowed me to enter high school well prepared for more advanced classes. Because of Summit’s advanced academics, I was prepared to take many AP/dual enrollment courses that helped me graduate a year early with my bachelor’s degree. I also thoroughly enjoyed the fine arts and foreign languages programs at Summit that encouraged me to embrace my creative side and appreciate cultural diversity. Summit was a very well-rounded education that encouraged me to not only be a disciplined student, but also an inquisitive and original person.

What’s your best memory of your time at Summit?

My best memory of my time at Summit was the sense of community and the bonds we formed as students — both with each other and with our teachers. I had many of the same amazing teachers for multiple years and I still keep in touch with some of my classmates that I graduated with 10 years ago! As much fun as we had on our yearly middle school trips and with our ROPES projects, my best memory is honestly the day to day interactions that made me want to go to school every day.

What would you say to parents who are considering Summit as an option for their student(s)?

As a young adult, I can see now that Summit focuses uniquely on the student as a person. There is much more of a focus on actual knowledge than reiterating information on tests. It helped me grow from a very shy child into the confident adult I am today. I would highly recommend Summit for your student(s).

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